Dr. Susan Rako

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"The Hormone Of Desire"

The Truth About 
Sexuality, Menopause 
and Testosterone

"Menopause is a journey through poorly charted waters and most physicians approach the possibility of prescribing supplementary testosterone for women suffering symptoms of its deficiency with the resistance and ignorance of sailors who believed the earth was flat, and that if they proceeded to sail on, they would fall off."

Author, Susan Rako, M.D.

Order the New Updated and Revised Paperback

Reviews By Her Peers

"By combining both her personal and professional experience of libido changes at menopause, Susan Rako has created a book, The Hormone Of Desire, that can help thousands of women get the healthcare and attention they need and deserve."
Christiane Northrup, M.D.
"Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom"

"Today, women of all ages have come to appreciate their potential for a fulfilling and enduring sexual life. Dr. Susan Rako has researched and written a landmark book... Gracefully, intelligently, and sensitively written, The Hormone Of Desire began as Dr. Rako's own story, a story of challenge, inspiration and determination ..."

From The Introduction by 
Barbara Bartlik, M.D. and 
Helen Singer Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D.

"In her popular book, The Hormone of Desire, Susan Rako, a psychiatrist in Boston, suggests that there's a sensitive 'window' of dosage that works best for women. In her own experience, she found that if the dose is too high, women may feel worse. On the other hand, on a much lower dose, they regain their sense of well-being and libido." 
Susan Love. M.D. 
"Dr. Susan Love's Hormone Book"

"Rako, author of The Hormone of Desire (Harmony Books) chronicles her own experience and research on testosterone. Eight years ago ... she tried herbs, acupuncture, homeopathy and massage, but to no avail. She still felt 'flat.' Then she went on estrogen replacement therapy, but after a month she felt 'deader' than ever. Rako began doing her own research. She discovered that her loss of libido might be due to a lack of testosterone...(After low-dose testosterone supplement), she said she 'felt like herself again... and still feels great.'"
Feb. 13, 1996

"Dr. Susan Rako, speaker at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association ... psychiatrist and author of a popular book about testosterone for the lay public and physicians, The Hormone of Desire: The Truth About Sexuality, Menopause, and Testosterone (New York :Harmony Books, 1996) ... (discussed) testosterone deficiency .... an often overlooked problem that can turn down the sexual thermostat and dull sexual response far more dramatically than declining estrogen levels. This is a problem in many perimenopausal and menopausal women, as well as cancer survivors with diminished or absent ovarian function."
Ob/Gyn News
Internal Medicine News
Clinical Psychiatry News
August/September 1997

"In her groundbreaking book, The Hormone of Desire: The Truth About Sexuality, Menopause, and Testosterone, Dr. Susan Rako wrote that after her physician placed her on estrogen and progesterone, she actually felt worse. Unable to find the appropriate treatment from a physician, Dr. Rako devoted the next five years to doing research on women, hormones, and menopause. She ultimately learned that what she really needed to do was add another hormone to her hormone cocktail, and that hormone was testosterone."
William Regelson, M.D.
"The Super-Hormone Promise"



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Susan Rako MD